Hello 2013! I have been on another Loooooong vacation from blog posting. It hit me once again, that I really enjoyed keeping my blog up before I got so overbooked with everything else that I no longer had the time for it. My mom and I talked today and during that conversation, it was mentioned that we make time for the things that we WANT to do, and everything else goes by the wayside. That includes everything from hobbies to extracurricular "stuff" to relationships to our faith. It's sad when you think about it. We fill our days with so much of everything that we feel we HAVE to be doing, that we push out everything that molds us and shapes us and matters most in the end. I would REALLY like to learn to say "No" more this year, and say "YES!" to the things that matter most. I need to start putting my Faith first in my life. I know that in the past, when I have devoted daily time to studying His Word, my days go better all the way around. I know that writing this blog post won't necessarily hold me accountable (like last year....I started the year out with alllll sorts of good intentions, then a kidney stone knocked me on my booty and then everything else went downhill as the year progressed), but it makes me feel better to type it, so here it is! Here is to a GREAT New Year! Happy 2013 everyone!!!
Christmas 2018
6 years ago