Stress can kill ya!
I've found this out this past week when my blood pressure went sky-high and I got a prompt "Martha, I think you should go see somebody" from two of our nurses at the office.
So far, I've had bloodwork, an EKG, and multiple BP Checks done. The EKG and tests came back normal as far as I know.......the BP checks, however, are another story. Still high. The doctor gave me some BP pills to bring it down if it got up in the 160's again. It's been in the 150's/80's & 90's. No pills taken as of yet.
My symptoms are similar to Panic Attacks. I hope that's all it is. I go Friday to get an Echo of my heart done. Hopefully, everything will be o.k.
If it is, then we'll go from there and figure out what else it may be. If it is my heart, then we'll figure out what to do about that too.
Mark is stubborn, pig-headed & opinionated, but that is EXACTLY why I married him. Mark has been strong-willed since I've known him, and that quality can sometimes get him into pickles, but as far as being a dad goes, his strong-willed ways make him the most awesome daddy to our two boys that I could ever hope for. I can only pray that he will be able to show them that it's o.k. to stand up for yourself and for your beliefs even when no one else wants to stand with you. I want him to pass along to them that loving God, having a strong moral character, being trustworthy, and having some backbone are some of the things that help to make a man a man. If you can't stand up for your faith, decisions, and family, then you can't stand up for anything.
Mark has completely surpassed any ideas that I had of him being a good father. For this I am truly grateful. I thank God that he sent me this wonderful, truly special man to be the Father to our children. I love you, Mark!
Emergency Fest with Daddy!
We got to go see all the Fire Trucks with Daddy today! He had to work, so Mommy, Mackie, Nana, PawPaw & I went to see him!
Our NEW Car!!!
We finally got a new car!
This isn't it, though!!!
Anyway...........this is our newest baby! It does NOT get 40 mpg, but at least we no longer look like "Sanford & Son" when trying to go anywhere. (That is what Mark said we always looked like when we had both boys and all of their stuff trying to get in or out of the Daewoo!)
Life's little moments.
I was just looking at a friends blog that mentioned the recent loss of Steven Curtis Chappman's youngest daughter last week. Our friends had posted the video to the song "Cinderella" that Steven had written for his little girls. I heard that song the other night when trying to get Mackie to sleep AGAIN for the umpteenth time. While I sat there in my rocking chair that night (the same one that mom used to rock me to sleep with), the song came on and I really listened to the words for the first time. Here are some of the Lyrics:
Posted by Mark, Martha, Creston, & Mack Parlier at 10:50 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Mother's Day This Mother's Day is special for me because I get to celebrate it with not only Creston, but Mackie as well! It's amazing how fast the time goes. This time last year, we were waiting on Mackie to come into the world, and this year, he's here with us!
Posted by Mark, Martha, Creston, & Mack Parlier at 5:05 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Mackie Walking! Here he goes!
Mackie's 9-month Check-Up
We took little feller' today to get his 9-month check-up. (He'll be 10 months on Monday!!!...we were a bit slow with this one!) After several attempts at weighing him and thinking that he had LOST nearly 3 pounds since March, we concluded that he had not lost any weight, but had actually gained a bit and is now a bouncing, crawling, moooving and shaking little 20lb. 10oz. kid! Boy!..........these check-ups can really make you crazy when you think something may be wrong with your child.
Nana's Black Eye!
Boy! Doesn't this look like a doozy? Our sweet little Creston did it!!! He's been in the bad habit of Head-Butting lately, and he did a real number on Nana's Eye. It actually got worse looking and MUCH Blacker several days later. It's almost gone now, though. We hope that Creston has decided to kick this little habit.
The Pony belongs to Little Mr. Ethan Church and is as pretty a pony as we've seen!
As you can see, Creston LOVED it!!! Uh oh!............................we'll just have to visit Ethan more!!!
Posted by Mark, Martha, Creston, & Mack Parlier at 10:06 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Pictures to Embarrass Him With!
This is one of the first official pictures that I have taken of Mackie that will most definately embarrass him later in life. These are the pictures that you pull out when the first girlfriends start to come over, and also these are the ones to include in the Senior yearbooks and when he gets married! Oh yes! The first of many "adorable" photo opportunities to come!!!!
This is Mack's first haircut. He's almost 10 months old! His hair was getting rather long, and Mark was wanting to cut it ALL off. I threw a fit and so Pawpaw Mack only took off about 2 inches. As you can see, it made it that much curlier!!!
I really do like Mackie's curly little hair. I had curly hair when I was really little. Mom had to cut it since we lived in Florida and it was so hot in the summer. My springy curls never really came back ~ just waves. I was afraid that Mack's would do the same, but they're still there!!! YAY!!! He can hate me later for being happy about that!!!
Posted by Mark, Martha, Creston, & Mack Parlier at 4:36 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Our silly little boys! R-O-T-T-E-N. That is the absolute BEST word that I can use to describe Mack.
He just ooooozes rotten! His wild curly hair and big blue mischevious eyes just scream "Look at me! I'm going to get into something and make you want to holler!!!" He's been testing us lately. I think he has a running bet in his own mind to find out just how long Mark and I can go without losing our minds! To my great dissapointment (please, just see it MY way....if he's not crawling, I can put him in one spot and he'll stay there!) he started "army-man crawling" at about 7 months. About 2 weeks later, he started "knee-crawling", and a week after that (just before turning 9 months) walked 2-3 feet all by himself without holding on to anything! Mark nor I would have ever believed it if we hadn't both been there to see it!!!!! Now,....he's not walked a lick by himself since then, but we're just waiting patiently. He probably practices at night in his crib when we're knocked out from sleep-deprivation! Creston was 14 months when he walked!!!.... a WONDERFUL... GLORIOUS..... 14 months old!!!
I am that horrible mother who others view as the one who "doesn't push her child enough". It's not that I don't want them to learn anything! I just don't want to have to chase after them all the time!!!!! I am glad that both of our sons are doing as well as they are! They never cease to amaze me!
Well,...(back to my story) the middle of all of that crawling and walking, Mackie popped out not one, but two teeth in a 2 week period! (I've decided that was the cause for our sleep deprivation!) He's a real mess! And now.....he's a mess that can bite!
Again, I am a horrible mom because I do not document much of anything with Mackie. I documented every little cooooo, drool, & poooo with Creston. Pages and pages of dates and weights and lists are all piled into "Creston's" drawer. With Mackie, I just call everyone when he does something and go on with my day. Maybe this journaling-blogging thing will help me to keep track of milestones!
Well, our little kid and big kid (that is what Mark and I call them!) are both taking naps now, so I'd better go and do something take a nap toooo!!!! You all have a great rest of the weekend!!!
Posted by Mark, Martha, Creston, & Mack Parlier at 4:36 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Grandfather Mtn. Trip!
The boys and I got to go with a group of my mommy-friends and all of their BOYS to Dollar Days on Grandfather Mountain! This was our third trip with some of these fine ladies and their offspring! I tell ya, between the 5 of us mommies that went, there were 8 boys between us, and then on top of that we had an additional 2 more boys along for the ride!!! Whew!
I reccomend Grandfather to anyone with kids during the Dollar Days in April. Kids attention spans aren't that great and when nap time rolls around, you really just want to head home and not have to try to "get your money's worth" on a full admission price!
Here, Creston is attempting to climb the Mountain!!!
Here is Mommy & Mackie! Thanks, Paulette, for this pic!!!
I can post this one, since everyone is turned around! The boys are enjoying watching the Otters in one of the wildlife exhibits.
I'm thankful for such good friends that we can get together with every so often. Creston loves getting together to play with these little guys whenever we can. Wish it could be more often!
Posted by Mark, Martha, Creston, & Mack Parlier at 10:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Our Funny Little Family This is our first ever REAL attempt at BLOGGING!! I never really understood what Blogging was till just recently! Several of our friends and family members are blogging, so I thought that we'd give it a try too!! I often get these "great" ideas, but then let them fizzle out. Hopefully I can keep this one going! This really is a good way to keep in touch and to add pictures or video!! If I can get it all figured out, I'll try really hard to update this little Blog weekly.
I've tried to start a "blog" on several different sites, but this one wound up being the most user-friendly version that I tried! Thanks Andy and Jennifer for inspiring me! I actually started working on a mom-based blog last summer, but that got put on hold due to the small person that I was getting ready to give birth to!! If I ever get that one up and running, I'll pass the address along!
We hope that you all are doing well and enjoying this spring weather that has finally decided to come along. Everyone take care and we'll be sending more bits and pieces soon!
Posted by Mark, Martha, Creston, & Mack Parlier at 10:42 PM 0 comments
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