I've not felt much like blogging this past week...I thought that I'd better get back to it, though, or I'd be backed up all over again like a few weeks ago!
I'm in the process of trying to find a Valentine picture for my blog to be a bit more festive. Several of my friends use blog design sites to change their backgrounds with the seasons, so I might try to do that at some point in the next day or two....just scared that my whole blog will be zapped into nothingness!!!
Anyway....we're all doing fine...just getting back into the swing of things. My mom and Ron are still in town...think they'll be here till at least Wednesday. She's been trying to help tie up the loose ends with some of Grandma's things before she goes back out on the road. It's just hard on everyone.
Please continue to pray for my Aunt Corvana. She lost her Husband in November, now she's lost her Mother too. She needs a lot of thoughts coming her way.
Hope to post some things from the last few days on here sometime today...Mark has to work on "building" a Fire Class on his Power Point, so I'm not sure how much computer time I'll get.
Everyone take care and I'll post again soon!!