Friday, August 29, 2008

ASU vs. LSU!

I've never been that big into sports of any kind. I was born in Tallahassee, Florida, and my Dad worked on the campus of Florida State University, so the only way I'd ever get excited over any Football would be if FSU was playing, and I wouldn't get too wound up then, either. I'm a Super-Bowl junkie, but not for the Game....for the commercials. Those commercials are too funny!

Anyway....since I've been married and moved into the "High Country", and since Mark went to ASU, and since ASU has won the past 3 years worth of National Championships in their division, and since they beat Michigan last year, I've become a watcher of ASU football! Not a crazed maniac just yet, but they are pretty good!

They get to play LSU tomorrow! Hope that the Hurricane doesn't blow them all away! They're supposed to start earlier than was planned due to the weather, so they'll be starting at 11:00am our time instead of 4 or 5pm.
Check out this "trailer" that was made up for the big game!!!! It's really neat to watch!

Hope that they do well and WIN!!! I think they aren't expected to win, but you never know! They weren't supposed to beat Michigan either, but they did!

We'll see what happens!
Go Apps!!!

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