Tonight we had Mark's cousin Andy and his wife Jennifer and their son Aidan over for a visit and some PIZZA!!! Yummy!!

Mackie and Aidan got to play together for the first time since they both started walking!!! They had a really good time! Creston even behaved himself and didn't "tackle" anyone!!!

Aidan's FIRST Birthday was last month, and we were a bit behind on the giving of the gift, but he got to open it and Mackie tried his hardest to grab all of the presents inside the bag....especially the little cars!!!

Aidan is the CUTEST little feller! He has the biggest brown eyes and cutest little round cheeks with dimples in them!!!
Here are the proud Daddies with their little men!
Andy Storey, Aidan, Creston, Mark, & Mackie!!!
(it's hard to get 5 people to look the same way at the same time!!!)
We always enjoy our visits with Andy and Jennifer!
Maybe one day we'll make it down to see you!!!
Is that Andy Story? Jeez. I didn't know they had a kid now.