Mark and the boys met me at work and we decided to take them to our local Mall for Trick-or Treating! Mackie was sooooooo funny........Mark said "What is Mack supposed to be?" I said "Frankenstein..........he(Mackie) walks all lop-sided,....I thought that it would be cute this year!" Sure enough, Mackie MUST know what we are talking about because he actually kept the Big-Head Frankenstein "Hat" on the whole time and actually walked a bit stiff-legged! It was soooo funny!!

Here's our little Frankenstein!
Bless his little heart.....the things I make for them to wear!

Creston was so cute in his Ghostie Costume! He didn't have to wear
his big coat this time, so he could move a little bit better!

Here are all three of my guys! Ohhhhhhh! Scary!
Special friends of ours, Betty & Gary Redden!

It was a good night! We went through all the stores at the Mall! I reccommend this to anyone who needs somewhere "Easy" to take their kids. We were going to also go to the Shops on the Parkway, but decided that we would go the "quick" route and do the Mall instead! After trick-or-treating, we went to Chick-fil-A to eat dinner and let Creston and Mackie play for a few minutes. Then a quick stop at Gary & Betty's and then on to Nana's and Pa-Paws! I think Gary & Betty said that they had about 25 kids by the time we got there! Nana said they had about 12 maybe! That's pretty good for our area!
We wound up with 3 Halloween buckets FULL of candy! Sugar highs for everyone for the next year!!!!!
Hope that everyone had a good Night!
Happy Halloweenie!!!!!!
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