Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A great imagination is a wonderful thing....sometimes...

Our oldest son, Creston, is by far, one of the most interesting people I know! He comes up with some of the most creative and STRANGEST stories that I've ever heard of!

Earlier today, he was playing under our dining room table. He likes to sit under there and pretend that he is running an Ice Cream stand. He will sell ice cream and hamburgers to me and Mackie. He always pays US, though. Hmmmmm......we'll have to work on that one......

Anyway,...he asked me if I wanted some ice cream. I said that I would like 2 scoops of Chocolate in a cone......he said "we don't have any more cones".....I said that a bowl would be fine...he said "we don't have any bowls"....I asked what he did have.......he said "a CUP!". A cup it was. He handed it to me and Mackie walked up right about then. I asked Mack if he would like some Ice Cream....his eyes lit up and he grunted "eeehhh" (which means YES!). Creston handed him his cup of ice cream. Mackie just stared at him like he had LOST his mind!

THEN.......the interesting thing happened.....I said "Mmmmm this is really good Chocolate Ice Cream!" Creston said "No, no NO!!'s not Chocolate!" I said "What flavor is it, then?" He then replied "Sowad(salad) and Poop Favor"........I sat there and said "Ummmmm......Poop flavor?" "Yup", he said, "That woman LIKES the Poop Favor!"

No CLUE as to who the "Woman" is or where he got that notion from.................oh me!

Then................, tonight, he came into the computer room where I was working on "work" stuff, and exclaimed that his "foots hurted". He was walking on his heels. "My foots got a broke brain in them!" I said "you have a broken bone???"......"no(with a roll of his eyes - imagine.....a 3-year-old rolling his eyes....)........a BROKE BRAIN!!!". He then informed me that it was hurting so badly that we would need to saw them off and replace them with NEW feet.........we would need to tape the new ones on.

Need I say any more? Life in our home is interesting.............VERY interesting!

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