When I was little, my family, along with the rest of my mom's siblings and their families, would go to my Grandparents house and have our Thanksgiving meal as one big family! Mom had 4 sisters and 1 brother, so as you can imagine, there were plenty of people around when you included all the husbands, wives, and kids. I'm not sure exactly how we all would fit into Grandma and Grandpa's house, but somehow we did! We even had a "kids" table!! I sat there up until I was in my late teens! I didn't mind....it was familiar to me.
Looking back now, I have only happy memories of those Thanksgiving get-togethers. I was with my family, everyone seemed to be getting along, and there was lots of good food and PIE!!!
Now, as I've gotten older and our family has changed and added several members and lost several more, the holiday isn't quite the same as it used to be. My mom's side of the family still gathers together at my Uncles home. Everyone that can come meets there and shares in the family meal. The last few years, we haven't been able to go as often as I would like, but that's what happens when you get married and have more extended family to visit with. Last year, we ate our Thanksgiving meal at Sagebrush Steak House in Boone! (Mark had to work!)
Everything changes as you get older. Somehow that "awe" that you have as a child grows a little dimmer with each year that passes. I guess it's because of all the responsibility you gain as you age and begin to have children of your own. All of a sudden, you don't anticipate the holidays because you are excited about being together with your family...you stress about them because you have to do the cooking, or you need to try to make an appearance at every relation's house...or you stress because you know that certain family members don't get along and you're not sure how to get everyone together without having a world war begin. The reasons for the stress are too many to count...you all know what I mean!
Holidays are meant to be enjoyed! So let's enjoy this one this year!
My family is going to attempt to start a new tradition this year.....after we eat, and the boys get their nap, we are planning on heading over to see a "kids" movie! We're doing the "kids" movie for obvious reasons! My friend Blair and her family used to do that sometimes on Thanksgiving Day many moons ago when we were in High School together. I always thought that would be a nice way to spend the evening!
After that, we may try to catch some Christmas Lights on the way home (You know how some people get all ahead of themselves and deck the halls before the turkey bones have even been thrown out....there WILL be lights to see somewhere!).
I just want to do something special as a family so that our boys will have that same feeling of family and togetherness and love that I had as a kid!
This Thanksgiving, I am most thankful for the following:
*I am so thankful to have my husband who takes care of us and makes sure that we have the things that we need on a daily basis. He is our rock.
*I am so thankful for my children, and for the fact that they still smile from ear to ear and squeal when I get home from work....that is one of the sweetest sights & sounds to see & hear after a long, hard day.
*I am thankful for my job...however stressful it may be, it came at a good time for our family. It has allowed me to get out of the house more and allowed Mark to be with the children more. It has allowed us the ability to get a newer and safer vehicle and has also allowed us to get some debt paid off quicker than if I had still been at home. It will be a year on 12/12/08 since I started my job. This was an answer to prayer. God truly does provide when we need it.
*I am thankful for my health...in this day and age, sickness comes in all forms. I have come to know several people over the last year who have been faced with sickness, but who have shown great strength in their fight for health again. I wish that we lived in a world where sickness was rare, but until that time, I am glad that I have been able to see that certain things don't have to beat you down....that we can overcome bad times and often find the silver lining in the end.
*I am thankful for the home over my head, the clothes on my body, and the food in my belly. I have so much more than a lot of people...there are so many who won't be getting together with family in a nice, warm home with a great big turkey to eat. It's so easy to forget that the things that we have aren't necessarily the "norm" for everyone else. So many people struggle to make ends meet on a daily basis. I pray that all of those people and families will be able to find an easier life in the days and months ahead.
*I am thankful for my friends...we have fewer this year than we've ever had...if I let myself think about that, I get pretty sad, but I just have to remember that some friends, unfortunately, come and go like everything else in this life, but true friendship lasts through all of the ups and downs that come your way. For all of you out there who are our friends (and you know who you are), we thank God for you and for your friendship. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers and we hope to remain in yours also.
*I am thankful for life, and for the chance to just live it! When we are born, we are like a clean slate! Anything at all is possible. All we have to do is just get out there and make it happen! The country that we live in allows us the freedom to pursue happiness....no matter what it is that makes us happy (within legal limits, that is!!) We have so many options to consider at every stage in this life! No matter if you are 10 or 100, we have the ability to make our dreams come true! That is truly something to be Thankful for!
No matter how you spend your day, take the time to really think of all the blessings that you have in this life. Take the time to let those that you love KNOW that you love them! Start a new family tradition! Give someone in your family a hug instead of punching them in the nose!!! Tell the person who made the tough and dry turkey that it was GREAT (and mean it!) because you'll know that it was made for you with love!
Have a really GREAT day! Have a Thankful day!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
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