Already, there's problems arising from long lines, bad weather on both coasts, and electronic malfunctions causing concern for the voters who are hoping that their votes will be counted.
I wondered something yesterday......with most of the states offering early voting, I wonder why more people don't take that option and in doing so, make sure that their vote will be counted? Early voting offers people the opportunity to make sure that all of their information is correct, the lines aren't long, and they can avoid the "rush" on Election day. Maybe people like the adreneline of Election Day. The anticipation of being the part of something big along with the rest of the country. The feelings of excitement that your candidate will win, or the feelings of dread that he won't. Either way, early voting will most likely become more popular as the years go by. Probably in our lifetimes, everything will go electronic and we'll be able to vote from our homes on our computers! Times are changing!
Anyway...I hope that we'll get the outcome at a decent hour tonight. The last 2 elections have been a bit crazy with all of the counting and re-counting and re-re-counting. Americans want to know who is going to lead us ASAP. I realize, however, that we do want to make sure that the vote is correct, so count away vote-counting-people! We will wait until you are done!
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