Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lot's of Posts and Finding Old Friends!!

I'm going to take this Snowy/Icy day and post everything from the last week and a half that I haven't had the time to post until today....even as I'm typing this, my two little gremlins are screaming at each other and trying to tear their room apart, so this post will be one with MANY stops, I can already tell!!!

I can post things on the actual date that they happened, so I'll be going back and posting everything on it's respective date! So.....look backwards to find what all I've put on here!!!

As for finding Old Friends...I joined Facebook many months ago, but never really got that into it. I'm not the best with "NEW" technology, so it was a bit overwhelming to me, but as time has gone by, I've been figuring it out a bit better. I've made contacts with lots of friends from High School, places I used to work, and lots of family as well. If you don't have a Facebook account, you might want to check it out! You can make your info. public or private, and you can accept friends, or deny them (if you've got some stalkers following you around!).

One of my friends from High School and Church (Amanda Scott-Bowers) found me a few weeks ago! I thought that was pretty neat! We hadn't talked in forever, and now we are planning on getting together sometime soon to gab and let our little boys play! She has a really neat Blog that's worth looking into... . She has found a wonderful way to Honor God and all of the things that He has done in her life. I'm just glad that I've been able to reconnect with Amanda and all of my other friends! Like I said, check out Facebook if you haven't already!

On this snowy Sunday morning, I just wanted to take a minute and think about what God means in my life and to my family...

I have been blessed in my life beyond anything that I could ever deserve. We have many family members and friends who care about us as people and pray for us when we are having bad days or good ones. We are all healthy and warm in our little house. We have plenty of food to eat and clothes to wear. In all of the instances where we have found ourselves in desperate situations, not once has God left us. He is always there and somehow, with Gods help, we always find that the situations work themselves out for the best in their own time. As Christians, we are supposed to have Faith that God will work in his own way for our benefit, but too often, we find ourselves in a rush to make the things happen that WE think are for the best... That's when we often make it worse. I've learned the hard way over the years that it's just best to pray and pray and pray and let God lead us.

With all of that said, and this being about the 7th time that I've had to go rescue someone....I'll say bye for now!!!

Have a Wonderful rest of your Sunday!!!

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