This is my arm today......I have another bruise on my thigh/hip that is about 3 times this size and even blacker/blue-r than my arm.
When I fell, I must have fallen down the steps, but in a backward motion.....I had Mackie on my left hip and hit on my left side, but wound up on my right side and Mackie wound up falling back onto our rock-flower-bed border....it really scared me when he hit the rocks because the way he fell looked as though he hit a pointy rock square on his back. He started crying and somehow, I got him up on my lap...my arm felt like it had been ripped off, and the way Mack was sitting, I couldn't reach around him to feel if it was still there or not...
Creston was standing in the doorway, and I hollered for him to go get me the phone...I wasn't sure yet if I had broken my arm or leg...I leaned forward and looked down to Mack and Dorothy's and saw that they were already in their car and sitting in their driveway waiting on us to come down and meet them...they wouldn't have heard the phone...
So....about that time, the phone started ringing, and I knew I'd have to try to get up. I did and found that Thank God!, nothing seemed to be broken...I got the phone, but the caller had hung up already....I flipped the porch lights to get Mack and Dorothy to come up to the house. I then went to take off Mackie's coat and the back of his head was bright red with blood! I about died again! Mack and Dorothy got there about that time and they came in and looked Mack over for me. He only had 1 small cut on the back of his head...AMAZING how much blood can come from a head cut! Other than that, he was o.k. I called Mark to tell him what was happening, and during the call I started to feel woozy myself. Mark kept asking if I had hit my head and I hadn't, so he couldn't understand why I felt like passing out....I handed the phone to Big Mack and laid down on the couch where I pretty much blacked out without losing all consciousness(?)...the funny part was that Creston had come over to my side...I couldn't move to look at him, so he started asking Dorothy "Nana, is Mama dead? Why is Mama dead?" Well, that's not too funny, but the way he said it was like he was saying 'I can come live with you now!'---he LOVES his Nana!
I finally came out of it and got to feeling better. To the best of my knowledge, nothing is broken or swollen more than for a bruise. We're lucky. Mackie could have been hurt so much worse than he was...Thank God that we're o.k.!!!!! I may need to keep the family indoors for the next few Sundays.......not looking so good for us on the most sacred day of the week.
Oh, my goodness, Martha! SO glad you and Mackie are both okay after these two incidents!!