Saturday, July 18, 2009

Mackie, Mackie, Mackie!!!

Today we had a little "Play Date" with several of Mackie & Creston's friends in honor of little Mackie's B-day!

Here, the boys are lining up to RACE!!!!!!
Here's the yummy goodies!!
Here's Mackie holering Aaaghhhhhh!!! while racing in his bare feet!!! (he goes faster that way!)
All the Daddies got out in the yard and played ball with the little people! The mommies got out there too, but I took pictures of it all!!!
Then we all played Kick Ball! Nana Kicked.....
Paw-Paw kicked!!!
Paulette's mommy kicked!!!!.......
Paulette kicked too!!!!!! (There were more, but these were the most interesting to see!!!)
One last race!!!
Then Mark made a bonfire and we all roasted hot dogs and marshmallows!! It was a pretty cool evening so the fire felt really good to all of us!!!
We had such a good time! Thanks everyone for coming and for playing with our boys!!!

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