Yesterday we took the boys to the dentist for their 6 month check-ups. Creston got a clean bill of healthy teeth and we found out that his 2 bottom teeth are loose and his upper 2 front teeth are also getting loose! He should lose the bottom 2 first and then the top 2 and then get in his 6-year least I THINK that's what the nurse said. I got a little lost after hearing that his teeth were loose. I didn't realize that they can lose them this young, but she said that they start to get loose around age 5...and Creston just turned 5, so.........Tooth Fairy, here we come! I THINK that she also said that we could start "Working on them".....I guess we're supposed to start wiggling them to make them loose-r??? I'm not so sure we're going to do that, but we'll keep you all posted on the progress of his losening teeth! the dentist office, Mark and I decided that we would have a visit from the "Pacifier Fairy" last night.....that there would be NO MORE PACIFIER AT ALL!!!
We even decided to name the doggie "Paci" after his beloved wisked away pacifiers that the Pacifier Fairy took to give to the other little babies of the world.
NOT the best picture of Creston since he had just had something messy to eat AND has a snotty-nose cold, but it's his little smile just the same!!!
AND.............we were concerned about Mackie's teeth. Remember that Creston had a cross-bite and had to have an appliance cemented into his mouth for a few months to get his upper palate to spread open more to align his upper and lower teeth. We noticed several months ago that Mackie's front teeth don't all! I pretty much figured out that we'd have to have something put into his mouth for a few months to correct this, but.......the Dentist said that she thought that his pacifier had caused this and that once we took it away COMPLETELY, that everything would even out on it's own! Yes....I KNOW, I KNOW.....he's 2 1/2......he didn't still need a pacifier, but he loved it so much! I guess it was like a security blanket and when he had it, he'd be calmer and quiet-r! I was the enabler that led to the gap in his front teeth!!! AND MARK MADE SURE TO GET THE DENTIST TO EXPLAIN THIS TO ME!!! AAAGGHHHH!!!'s a picture of his teeth can see the gap in front.
Mackie had chewed through all of his pacifiers except for THIS one. He had found this one and it had a harder plastic part and he couldn't bite through it has hung around for a while. Goofy kid! He would call it his "Teeth Paci".
Here you see the remaining 2 pacifiers....
Soooooooooooo..........................after we left the dentist, I told Mark to run by our Dollar Tree and get "SOMETHING" that Mackie would find GREAT to give him from the Pacifier Fairy. He found this cute little red Valentine Doggie! Mackie likes to "love" on stuff, so I figured that this would be fine.
AND IT WAS!!!!!!!!!!! He woke up umpteen times last night, but he never once asked for his pacifier. And today, he never asked for it.......unless he asked Mark.
He's already in bed tonight and it took a little bit to get him to lay down, but he didn't ask for it tonight either! He's asleep for the moment and we'll see how this night goes!
I'm such a softie! I could have done this months ago, but aside from being a softie, I'm a proclaimed lazy person and just didn't want to bother with it! If I had known that he'd part this easily, I would have done it sooner! Sooooooooooooo.................lesson learned!
Pray that he continues to be o.k. with this!
Yea Mackie!!! Hopefully, things are still going smoothly for everyone!!! We were afraid how Aidan would react, but he did surprisingly well too. Wow, I had no idea kids lost teeth that early either!! I am sure Creston is proud of his loose teeth! Hope to see everyone soon!