Hello everyone out there who keeps track of us through this blog!
Thought that I fell off the face of the planet, didn't you? Well...............I didn't, but have been completely engrossed with sewing and being down-right HOT! Shewy! It's really hot here this summer! Nothing at all like last summer! We've been running our window air-conditioner for a while now. Poor Light bill!
I've been an absentee-blogger, but I hope to fill in the gaps with some creative back-blogging in the next few days! I'll let you know how far back I go!!
Anyway.....it's late tonight, and I can't get to sleep yet. I've been reading a book out of the Elm Creek Quilt Novels and it got me to thinking about the boys and about how Creston will be starting school in about another month and about how he's growing up soooo fast and about how these past 5 years were some of the best (and at times -trying) of our lives. Our little man is really becoming that....a little man. His facial expressions are so comical at times....he'll just think about things and then his face will twist all around and then he'll roll his eyes and something incredibly funny or serious will come rolling off of his tongue and it'll just amaze me nearly every time! I see myself in him a lot. He's silly like me....and then, he's got my brown eyes.......I've always wondered what it's like to stare at a brown-eyed person daily (since I've always been surrounded by blue-eyed and green-eyed people), and now I know! Brown eyes are pretty durn nifty to stare at!!! And then he's got quite the imagination like I had (sometimes STILL have depending on who you are asking). I'm kinda worried about that with him starting school.......at one point in MY early education, I went to school and informed several that when I took naps at home, that Mom and Dad and Kimmie would all get naked and dance around the living room! Needless to say, THAT ended abruptly after mom learned of that tale......the tale telling.....there never was any naked dancing......(love ya mom!!!)
it sounded good to me at the time, though.........
ANYWAY........I'm a bit scared.....and excited.......and sad.......and hopeful.........and worried.......and
happy......and upset.......all at the same time....along with a zillion other feelings.....
I HOPE that we are doing the right thing by sending him to school. I think that he'll do well and make lots of friends and that Mackie will also calm down a lot by having more 1 on 1 time with me and Mark and his grandparents. I HOPE so, at least! Our luck.......things will go GREAT until Creston gets home from school, and then it'll get 1 million times worse than before!!! THAT, I won't be able to take!!!
There's a lot to think about..........too much sometimes.................
sooooooooo...................I guess you've got that I'm sad..........and down..........and afraid that my little boy is going to grow up before my eyes and I won't be able to stop it............
but....that's the way that it's supposed to be. They grow up........and we watch them do it........and we love them every step of the way..........and hope that they love us in return.
I love you little buddy! Both of you little guys! You are our world..no matter how aggravated we sometimes get........you are it for us! You two little people are what it's all about for me and your daddy. We love you and hope that the world treats you two so much better than it has treated us. That's all we can hope and ask for. You can be and do ANYTHING that you set your minds to. ALWAYS remember that. Always do your best and at the end of the day, you'll be able to rest your head knowing that you did what you could do.
I love you!
And with that being said, I suppose that I'll attempt to go back to bed now. Hopefully I'll go to sleep soon! Love you all and hope that you've all been doing well!!!
Christmas 2018
6 years ago
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