Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July!

Here's a few pictures from our 4th fun!
As I pointed out to Mark, the above picture is one of the only ones that I think we have ever taken where he isn't smiling his "fake" smile. The reason? Because he and his buddies at the FD were playing a joke on me and thought themselves very funny!......very long story!!! :o)

This picture below is how Creston usually responds to any loud noises....fireworks, guns, loud music, Mackie screaming...... Mommy and Mackie-doodle!!! He actually liked the fireworks and didn't scream once while they were going off. He got bored with them after about 5 minutes and needed to splash himself with Creston's sippy-cup.
These fine men are the ones who thought that it would be funny to "pull one over on Martha"! Shane Robbins is standing, Travis Spencer is sitting, and then there's good old Mark, and then "Cracker" (Matthew Crawford) is looking on.
We all had a good day! Mark had to work, but the boys and I met him at the Boone Station#2 and the FD hosted a Picnic for it's members. Good food. We got to watch some interesting people just down from us shake their booties till I thought that I'd have to go in! Creston made a few friends and tossed a football with them. The fireworks were really pretty. Got home around 11ish. Now I'm typing on this blog!!! Better get to bed!!! HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!

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