Friday, July 31, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mommy Bear!!!

Today is my mom's 62nd Birthday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!
(Pictures to come)

I love you BUNCHES!!!!!
O.k.!!! Here are the pictures!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!

Let's get this party started!!! Why are we NOT in the Hot tub????????????????????????????
Mackie showing mom HIS watch that he FOUND in his pocket.....which is actually Creston's watch.........Hmmmmm.........
Creston attacking Megan......
Our happy brood eating yummy Burgers and dogs!!!
My two Beautiful nieces!!!!!!
Me and my mommy!!!!! (And my two little people!!)
Good picture if Mom's eyes had been open!!!
"62" work with me........had cake decorators' block and this was the best I could do!!!
Blow out those candles!!! It always helps to have a little help...Mackie was on the other side of Megan blowing too!!!
Pictures make good presents for Grandmas!!
My Family! Megan, Mommy, Melissa, Creston, Mackie, & ME!! Take 2!
I love you so very much, mom and hope that you had a GREAT day!!!!!!! May you have Many, many more!!!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Play Day!!

Today, Paulette brought her two boys and our friend Michelle & Gregs two boys over to play!!! YAY!! We had 6 little rascals running around chasing the cat! Poor Wally!!!
Paulette is watching Mackie expertly "Mow" the porch! He's the BESTEST Porch mower around!! Anyone want a little help mowing YOUR porch? We've got the man for you!!!
After they left, I sat down in the above pictured chair that Paulette had been sitting in while they were visiting! Mackie promptly came over to me and pulled my hand and said (through his pacifier) "Ged-ut!!!" "Das Paw-ette's cher!!!" "GED-UT!!!"
Guess he's found a new favorite person! Never fear, will always have an empty chair to sit in at our house!! :o)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Our very FIRST Camp-Out!!!

We finally got to "Camp Out" in Paw-Paws camper! Some would say that this isn't actually camping out, but I say "YOU sleep outside with the Coyotes and Bears running all around and see how long YOU last!!!" :o) I'll take a good Camper any old day!!!

We started the evening about 7:00 p.m.-ish and I lay a blanket on the ground for us to lay on and look at the clouds! The following is some of what we saw! BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
Mackie loved sitting on the blanket! I used to get out in the yard with Creston all the time when he was little and let him roll around when it was nice never occured to me that I had not yet done that with Mack and he seemed to absolutely LOVED it!
Creston just passed out and dared Mackie not to touch him!!!
Heeeeeere's the Camper!!! It's actually very nice and spacious inside! There's a King sized side, and then a Double-sized side....then there's a table that folds into a twin bed and a Stove, sink, and fridge! Also has Air and Heat....2 lights.....and linoleum!!! Can't ask for more than that!!!
Here we are goofing off and looking at the clouds!!!
The boys got the best of BOTH worlds.....camping out AND still getting to play with their toys at Nana's!!!

Then instead of a camp-fire sing, we just went inside and had a piano-sing!!! (Mack(Paw) LOVES to sing!!! Mark plays REALLY well!!!)
We did roast some Weenies and Marshmallows! Can't camp out without doing that!!!! Yummy! We even tried to spot the Space Station/Shuttle, but it clouded up on us! Oh well! Maybe the next trip it takes up we'll spot it!
Sleepy boys on the King-sized side! We all 4 slept on this idea! BAD idea!!! NEVER AGAIN!!!! :o) Mark claimed that he had to sleep in the fetal position to keep from rolling off the bed, and Creston did his usual thing by going immediately to sleep and sprawling out in all directions.....he also HATES to be covered up, so Mark (they shared a quilt) froze to death! :o) I slept in between Mack and Creston, so I pretty much didn't sleep at all!!! :o) Mackie was soooo wound up about the whole thing....he just kept sitting up and looking around and talking on and on and on!!! FUN TIMES!!!!!
This was taken the next morning..........right when it was time for Daddy to leave to go to a training at BFD. Sleeping finally like little angels! We learned several things from this experience.....
1. Do NOT sleep 4 to one side!
2. Do NOT give Mackie chocolate and marshmallows before bedtime.
3. 15 blankets/quilts are NOT enough cover to keep warm.
4. Rain on the roof of the camper will only occupy the baby's attention AS LONG AS IT IS RAINING! After that, you're on your own!
5. We will have to do this several more times before doing it "For Real". I can't possibly take Mackie out to a campground before he knows how to go to sleep on my command! We may be waiting to camp "For Real" for awhile!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Otis Meets Wally & Elk Valley Homecoming!

We introduced the cat to Otis yesterday! Otis wasn't very impressed and neither was Wally......Hmmmmmmm.......Mack, however, was extreemly excited about the whole thing!
We attended Elk Valley's Homecoming Services this morning....there were a LOT of people there and a LOT of good food!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The new Kitten!

Only after having found out that we have a rather large field mouse infestation, did we decide that we needed to get another cat. All of our other cats have met their demise in the last year due to old age, cold, and Coyotes!

Doesn't that picture make you all warm and fuzzy inside????

Anyway......we decided after finding 2 jump out of our NEW car (mice, that is, NOT Coyotes!), that we needed to get a cat and FAST!!! But.....we would need to get a kitten, so that Otis would like it...I wanted a grown cat (to kill the mice), but Mark insisted that a grown cat wouldn't get along with Otis......oh me!!!

So.............................about 7:55ish yesterday a.m....... Vickie Richardson called me from the Boone Wal-Mart....telling me of a stray kitten that had walked into the store behind a customer. Would we want it??? Yes, but I couldn't go to get it........she would bring it to us after she got off of work! Praise be to God!!! A Cat right out of nowhere! And found in Wal-Mart!! Of all places!!! A friend of mine pointed out that was her kind of cat!!! Yes-sir-eee! My kind of cat too!

So......due to the location of the finding, and the cuteness of the cat, we named him Wally! And this is him!!! Got LOTS of personality! My Dad would have loved that!!! I really do think that he resembles a bat!! Mackie sharing... More sharing..... Poor one point, all that was in his bed were toys...I had to tell Mackie to stop...Mack got upset! The cat got nervous! I got a Tylenol!This one is for Phillip! Mack is telling the cat "Allll-riiiight!" with his thumbs up!!

Creston & Mackie both fell in love with him! Creston can't seem to understand that he is a HE and not the She that he keeps calling him...Mackie wants to share all of his toys, trucks, shoes, and pacifiers with him.

Hopefully, the cat will last past this first initial "yee-haw!" period!

We shall see!!! he's a real cutie, though, and sooo loveable!!!

(AND....loves to sit in my peace lilly ~ if you know what I mean!)

Friday, July 24, 2009

VBS for Creston & Mack!

Lining up for VBS @ Elk Valley Baptist!!!Who wants to carry the Flags and the Bible?
Creston got to carry the Bible three times!
Creston & Mackie's Class with Mrs. Linda and Mrs. Dorothy!
Getting ready to sing "Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy" & "I'm in the Lord's Army"
Crafts!! Sand Art tonight!!!
Playing with the "girls"
Mackie made a friend too!
Very pretty Church! Do you wanna, Creston? Nu-uuuh......
YEAH!!!!!! Whoopeeeeeeee!!!!!
Nana, Paw-Paw & Mackie watching Creston and the other kids get all wet and soapy!!
Yes...Mack IS doing what it looks like........after I took this one, I hollered "MACK!!! NO!!!" and another church goer said "He's having fun!!" I about died!
We didn't get to go every night, but we had a good time all in all!!!
So glad that we were able to go!!

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