Monday, November 30, 2009

Making Stars!

I'm kinda crazy in that I REALLY like making ornaments for the tree! I like the colored balls and lights and all that jazz, but really and truly, I like to put handmade ornaments on the tree! So far (since Mark and I have been married) I have made felt mittens, glass beaded stars and "icicles" dough ornaments in the shape of trees, stars, and gingerbread men, pipe-cleaner candy canes, and beaded wreaths! Quite the collection! I want the boys to remember that mommy made those, even if they ARE cheesy. As they get older, I'll have them help me make the ornaments too! I'd like to make 1 new set of something each year! We might not have enough room on the tree for all of them each year, but it'll give us a selection to choose from!
THIS year, I decided to add a bit of color and make these stars!!!! This is how I did it!! I used 1 sheet of felt for 1 ornament...fold it in half and trace a star shape (I used this cookie cutter to get a good shape).
Cut the star out...(cut a little bigger than the traced line)
Then heat up the glue gun, turn the traced sides to each other to hide the pen marks and glue everything but a 2" hole to put the stuffing into!
Stuff the little boogers and hold the "hanger" in place (I used narrow ribbon) while you hot glue the hole closed!
And THERE you have it!!! Little puffy colorful STARS for your tree!!!!!
Here they are on the tree! I think they add a nice little burst of color!
The End!!! :o)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Our Christmas Tree!

Mark surprised us this year by mentioning that he wanted to go ahead and get the tree today!!! USUALLY, he's NOT that into getting all of the "Christmas" stuff out this early! I was EXCITED!!! We went across to Robert Reece's yard (a local Tree Grower) and found the PERFECT one!!! We hauled it back home and put it up and started the decorating process!! We all had a really great time!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Our Thanksgiving 2009

Mark had to work tihs Thanksgiving Day. We were also able to eat as a BIG group at the Fire Department with Mark and some of his co-workers.
Our Thanksgiving Family Picture!
The day started off cloudy!
We watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade before leaving to go to Boone!

Putting the finishing touches on lunch!

Creston is showing off his Ambulance to the pretty girls!

They deep-fried the turkey!The picking on the boys begins!

After Lunch, the boys and I went to K-Mart!!!!! And it Snowed!!! :o)
It was a really good Thanksgiving!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Boys are SICK!

After spending the weekend with Creston Sick, Mackie decided last night that his "ear hurded" so off tot he doctor we went this morning! Guess what??? They BOTH have right-ear infections....yucky ones (Creston NEVER mentioned it at allllll!!!) And Creston has some Bronchitis going on, so he is now going to be on a Neulizer for Breathing treatments for the next 2 weeks...Mackie calls the Nebulizer "Baby Bear" and he LOVES him and will hug and love on him. Mark likes for Creston to sit with him while he takes his treatments. Creston thinks that the treatments are GREAT at the moment.....wonder if that will last??

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