Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mackie's SECOND Hair-Cut!

I have pictures of Mack's first haircut several posts down, but this one was an actual full-fledged haircut! Mark had been wanting to cut off Mackie's cute fluffy curls for months now, and I protested that he was a baby and I wanted him to leave them.........till he was 1! For some reason, I thought that this reasoning would hush up everyone involved and that would be that. The weeks leading up to Mackie's first birthday, however, were not hushed ones. They were full of the voices of my husband and in-laws stating rather urgently, that "Mackie NEEDS a haircut!".

He turned 1. Now, much to my dismay, he's getting his haircut.

BEFORE: This is Mackie with his cute little head of curly hair! A Little Angel! A Little Cherub!!!! So sweet looking! So innocent looking!

Here, he is being "wet down" so that Paw-Paw can see better to cut away the pretty little curlies... Here, Daddy is holding Mackie in what appears to be a "choke-hold"...
Here, also to my dismay......Mackie appears to be enjoying the attention...
This is the "fluff & Dry stage of the cut...
AFTER: Here is the finished product! A Completely different looking baby......no....slash that.......now he looks like a little boy....oh me! He does, however, look a little bit ticked off at the world by this point! That's my little boy! Let 'em know you don't like it!!!
I will admit, it did turn out better than I had expected it to. He does actually look pretty cute still! I just loved those little curls so much! (He does still have a few on top, though!! YAY!!) They grow up way too fast!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! Mackie is absolutely beautiful! He was as cute as could be with his curls, and now he is a handsome little man! I love it! I know it was sad for you to lose his curls, but I am sure they will probably come back! Adorable!


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