Saturday, September 20, 2008


Today is a special day for two very important people in my life! My husband, Mark, and my niece, Melissa! As luck (and fate) would have it, they share the same birthday!!!

Since I can't ever remember to get a current picture with Melissa, I will

post the last one of us (girls and Creston & Mack) from this past Christmas!!!Creston, Melissa, Mom, Megan, Grandma, Me & Mackie-Moo!

Melissa is 20 today! Boy!!!!! That really doesn't seem possible. When she was little-bitty she always knew when her birthday was and she would volunteer the information to anyone who came near........she had a little bit of a it sounded something like this....."MY BIRFSDAY IS SEPTEMBR TWENTYIFSH!!!!!" She would proclaim this like it was the most important news in the whole world! It was really cute!!

Melissa, sweetie, you've come a long way so far........and you've got so MANY more years to go! Live each day to the fullest and never let anyone tell you that you can't do something! There are always doors that will open.....have faith and you can accomplish ANYTHING!!! I believe in you and so does the rest of our family!!! We're so very proud of you and the young woman that you have become! HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now.......for the other birthday person.............


Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday Dear Ma-ark (Daa-dy),
Happy Birthday to you!!!!

Now.......just so everyone knows, I'm all about them!!! Big Birthday person!

Now....just so everyone knows, Mark is NOT all about Birthdays! He's not all "Look at me!! I'm 33!" He's more like......."let's just forget it this year...."

Now.....last year, for Mark's 32nd birthday, he had to work at the Fire Department. He hadn't been working there long, so I thought that the boys and I would take him some brownies and balloons to brighten his day!!!!!!!!!! Heeee Heeeee Heeee! Thought that he would fall over dead when we showed up with the balloons! He said "Don't get those out of the car, Martha!" They came out of the car and went inside the building where he was promptly made fun of. He HATES to be picked on!!!! :o)

So................this year, my dear sweetie, we were going to surprise you again and come to be with you this evening, but because we love you dearly, (and because you've been running calls left and right all day), the boys and I won't be coming to see you at work today.....

We won't bring you this cake...
or let you wear this cute little party fire hat...

You won't have to drink from this CUTE little cup....
or squirt all your friends with this extinguisher.

I won't bring this Pinata filled with yummy candy for you to bust open.

I won't even bring these favors for everyone to take home after all the fun is over.

It would have been lots of fun! You could have had the BEST birthday ever!!!!!!!!'ll just have to sit there in your Birthday-Deprived Fire Department and merely think about what might have party fire hat.......sniff...sniff....

Your co-workers would have liked it! Now they have been deprived of the fun of making horrible fun of you! Oh well......maybe next year I'll send you a dancing Smokey-the-Bear Birthday Gram!

All fun aside...I love you, Mark, and I hope that this Birthday is the best one yet!

We'll eat cake and ice cream on Sunday!!!!!!!!!!! Stay safe, o.k.?

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