Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve 2008

Today was a good day...we were together as a family, we played and took naps and got ready to go to Nana's and Paw-Paw's house for Christmas Eve Dinner and for opening presents from them!!! Creston was so excited! I think Mackie understands a bit more than we give him credit for and he seemed to be sooo excited too!!!
Here is our attempt at a family picture since we didn't have any made yet this year at a Studio.
I've been trying to get a picture of everyone at the table before we eat our family dinners and finally realized that I can get in on these too if I can get the "auto" picture taker thing to work correctly!!!
Here Mackie is playing us a song for Creston to sing to!!! I think we're going to have 2 musical people in the family! Mark will have to teach them Piano, though. My lessons wore off a long time might could teach them a thing or two about that!!!

Here, Creston is soooo excited about a cooking playset that Nana got for him! He LOVES to "cook" while she does!!!!!!!!

And here are our two little angels who got new 'jamas for Christmas! Creston got Spiderman (his favorite at the moment, and Mackie got Transformers! They have matching robes too!!! SOOO cute and warm!!!

This is how Creston left things for Santa........Milk, Cookies, Crackers, and a Carrott!!! Along with a letter to Santa requesting his most sought after "Dumpster Fire Truck!!!" (For a while, around the ASU campus, some really smart people were setting fires in the dumpsters, thus, the need to go on "Dumpster Calls" and thus the need for an actual "Dumpster Fire Truck!) Hey...Makes sense to Creston!

This is how we are leaving things for tonight. In the morning, we will wake up after a restful nights sleep (Hopefully), and have a good few hours before Mark has to go in to work. He works all day tomorrow until 7:15am on Friday. We'll miss him, but at least the boys will have plenty to keep them busy!!!

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