Monday, January 26, 2009

Mrs. Ruby Bernice Sheppard 2/12/1926 ~ 1/25/2009

My Grandma passed away earlier this afternoon (1/25/09).

She would have been 83 on February 12.

She was the best Grandma I could have ever hoped for and I thought that she would live forever...

I'm not in the best frame of mind at the moment. I can't sleep. Everyone else can sleep but me. Even Otis is laying in the doorway of our computer room and dreaming of something. She keeps making barking squeaks...

She loved her God and she loved her life. She loved every last one of her children and all of her grandkids and great-grandkids.

She was always an inspiration to me...She raised 6 children into adult-hood, was married to an Army man, and lived in MANY different places throughout her lifetime. She met every challenge with her faith in God fully intact. She always praised God for every little thing...saying..."God has been so good to me..." She believed in prayer. She would always make sure that our home-church knew when something was out of the ordinary in any of our lives so that we would have multiple people praying for us.

I didn't make it to the hospital in time today to see her before she was sedated...I talked to her, though. I like to think that she heard me.

I know that she loved me......and I loved her greatly.......and I will miss her more than she'll ever know....


  1. So sorry to hear, Martha. Hope you are taking some time for yourself where you can and that you can get some rest soon.

  2. Martha,

    I've thought about you today. I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it over to E-town. I've had to work for Mark full time right now and didn't get out of the office until after 6pm last night. I hope you are doing okay and I'll keep praying for you all. When you are feeling up to it let me know and we will try to re-plan our play date.


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