Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mackie's 2nd Birthday!!!!!

(The above picture is Mackie TRYING to say that he is "2"!!! Needs a bit more work on that!!)

Today is Mackie's 2nd birthday! Here is the cake that I made for him!!!
Ha! Ha! Ha!! Isn't that FUNNY???????!!!!!!!! Ahem........hghmmm......mmmm...... oh well...

ANYWAY!!!!!! I AM in the process of making him a Chocolate cake. He had his choice of Choc. or Van. and he plainly said "Choklat!". So......there you have it!
Mackie is our sweet little baby. He was completely planned and came into this world 3 weeks early with the cord wrapped around his neck twice, and an unusually ugly and large growth looking thing on the top side of his head (we're assuming that this was from where he had been waiting in the birth canal). He had trouble breathing at first and had to have oxygen for a few hours. However, by that evening (he was born a little after lunch-time) he was good to go! His entry into this world was such a switch from Creston's entrance, that we were scared something major was wrong with him and so we didn't take any pictures of his horrid-looking head. was something to see... Every since that first day, Mackie has been everything that Creston is not! Creston is laid back.....Mackie is in-your-face ready to go! He'll stomp that foot and scream at the top of his lungs if he's not given his way. He'll pout and pretend cry (Thanks NANA!) and throws himself down on the floor and kicks and screams if we don't pay attention to him.
He still LOVES his pacifier (he calls it pac-E-fire) with the love of a completely enamored suitor and will search the house all over if he can't find one. He drinks his sippy cup (sEEpy) out of the side of his mouth (never figured that one out), and has a facination for shoes that would rival ANY woman! He MUST change shoes at least 3 times a day! He does love his Cowboy boots, though! Loves Creston's even more!!!
He's absolutely ADORABLE when his hair is long enough for his curls to bush out! I LOVE that, but Daddy doesn't. Says "He needs to look like a boy!!!" I say, let him be little as long as he can be! There's time enough to be a BIG-boy later on!
I've taught him to smile and say "Tomatoes!!!!" when having his picture taken! (He particularly likes to do that!) He can sing something that sounds like his ABC'S to music and loves to sing "Ill Fly Away.....Oh Glory!, I'll Fly Away....(In the Morning)" His version is a bit harder to understand, though!!! He and I also found him a song that is HIS song.........
Ashton Sheppard~Sounds So Good
If I'm on the computer, he'll climb up on my lap and say "Sing...I wanna sing, momma" and I'll pull up my playlist from and we'll sing his song! (Creston's song is "Love Story" by Taylor Swift)......I made a CD with a bunch of songs on it and theirs included and they'll holler in the car for "My SONG!!!"
I'm hoping that they BOTH get a good love of Music and want to learn to play something along the lines of the piano or something in the BAND!!!!! (Mark would die!!)
Anyway.......Mackie is our little mess! Plain and simple! We love him to pieces and would like to hang him up by his cute little toesies a lot of the time, but wouldn't trade anything in this world for the little booger!!! His little crooked smile will make you forget why you are upset with him and when he hugs you and wraps his little chubby arms around your neck,....all you want to do is hold him forever....
(this is his feet showing us that he is "2"!)

It's hard to think that my babies are now 4 1/2 and 2!!! Time goes sooo fast! Being a mommy is tough, but I'm glad that we have them....and I'm glad that God saw fit to make ME their mommy....they are a blessing to me, even on the days when all they want to do is hit/chase/scream/yell/fight/bite/smack/& tackle each other! They are our little boys and they will NEVER be this small again!
Thank you God, for letting us be the parents to these little boys and THANK YOU ezpecially on this day for the 2 years that we've been blessed with Mack!!!

1 comment:

  1. Martha,
    Oh, I think I prefer the chocolate cake too! :) Tell Mackie we all said Happy Birthday!!!


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