Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mackie's FIRST Dentist Visit!!

Today was Mack's FIRST dentist visit! It went really well! He got to watch Creston get his teeth cleaned and then he wanted to lay down on the chair like "Cressie" and put the glasses on too! They also got to play a lot while waiting for the Dr. Hardaway to come check them out!

Mackie got this button for it being his FIRST visit!!
This is the waiting room.....LOTS of toys and video games to play with!

Here is Creston getting ready to be checked out!
Mackie is watching everything before he gets to be seen!
Mackie wanted to lay there! He looks a bit nervous, though!!!
Here he is getting his real check-up! His Nurse was really GREAT with him!!!
She did squirt water in his face a time or two, though......he muddled through it somehow!!
So proud of both my little men!!! They did so good today! Mackie, however, is also going to have a cross-bite like we had to have corrected with Creston......(Mark is Sooooooo excited about that!!! $$$$) AND, Mackie's top lip is attached to the gum-line between him front teeth! I felt so bad! I had never noticed that before today! The Doc. said that it was actually pretty common, and that we will wait until after he gets his "Big" teeth in to clip it. Most likely, Mackie will tear it before then, but if not, we'll do that little procedure later on. ALSO.....I was told that the pacifier does definately cause the cross-bite (also something MARK was a firm believer in), BUT, the Doc. said to start breaking Mackie off of his Pacifier slowly, and if he started to suck on his fingers, to wait a bit longer to break him of it....apparently, the Dentists would rather a child suck a paci. than their fingers! So THERE, Mark!!! Ha! I actually DO want him to stop using it, but he LOVES it so much.......we'll see how the stopping goes!)

1 comment:

  1. Mackie did such a great job!!! Aidan would NEVER sit still long enough for that! Brushing his teeth is still a battle, but I must say that I usually win! Oh boy, back to the passy dilema, huh? Hopefully, Mackie and Aidan will make it through without too much trauma! Let me know if you discover a magical way of "losing" it!


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